Thursday, April 21, 2016

Design Wall??? Yes!!!

I just couldn't sew long before realizing I really needed a design wall.  I used to just throw everything on the floor, but NOW I have all these open walls!!!! So, off to the store I trotted to purchase Velcro and this is what I ended up with:

Look how nice those first 4 blocks of the Block Party Quilt look on the design wall!!!  I'm not so crazy about block 2 and may make it over again, but I'm giving it some time to grow on me.  Let me know what you think!!!!

And, then of course I needed to slip in a UFO so I could feel productive!  You know how it is.  You get on a large project and feel like you haven't produced anything for all your labors. Well, that is what all those UFO's are for, slipping in now and again so you can 'feel' productive!!!  Finally I managed to get the borders on the Disappearing Pinwheel Quilt.  It's hanging there ready for when I can put it on Little Miss Lovey!!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Do I study OR Sew???? How about BOTH!

Well, as you know, I am taking college classes online and so there has been a daily struggle for when my sewing studio was upstairs alas, I did not have room to study.  I had to run the length of the house from kitchen to sewing room between school work and sewing projects.  And of course the only time I could do both was when I was keeping my machine busy with embroidery.

Well, take a look!  I have room to do both!!!  That great table my dad made me with coffee, homework where I can keep an eye on the embroidery!

All three of these machines got quite the workout yesterday and on the back wall there will be yet a fourth when my Longarm is delivered!!!! 

Look you even get a sneak peak at block number 5 in the Block Party Quilt! Ahh, but there is a story there. The block you see on the machine alas ended up in the 'oops' bag.  I got way to anxious to complete it and on the very last hooping, made a big mistake.  But do not despair, I managed to complete it just moments ago.   It's coming in the next post!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Block Party - Block Number 5!!

There just aren't words!!! This one is SO pretty!!!  Let me know what you think!  Is anyone out there who is doing this quilt or has already completed it?  I would love to hear from you!  Leave me a note!

Also, if you are planning on taking this class, be sure to call Cowles Quilting at 802-524-2551 and sign up. 

In My Studio!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Dear Readers,

I know it has been a while, but I am happily in the studio and finding it SO nice to have a space that is so organized and spacious!!!!  I just have to figure out what I want on the floor and ceiling. But that can wait because I have sewing to do!!!!  I'm sure you can understand!

Here is the main Work Area.    My dad made the pine table and I love having it in the studio!  My dad was a really wonderful man, full of energy.  He started college late in life and became a school teacher.  He was an awesome wood worker and I am so grateful to have some items he made for me over the years. 
 This is a picture of the work area from the other angle.  See how much room I have?  Way over in the corner is where I put the shipments together for the Online purchases at  I even have an antique rocking chair for those chill out moments and hand sewing parts of the projects I work on.  Did I tell you have piped in XM Radio??? I'm so happy about that!!!!

And this, my dear friends is the new home for Little Miss Lovey!!!! My Statler Longarm which is soon to be delivered!!!!  Can't wait for that to be tucked in nice and neat!!!!

That is it for this post!!!!!
Come back and see what I'm working on!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Sewing Studio - Moving forward!!!

After a few delays, I am SO happy to report that the electricians are here!!!!  I can't wait to see how everything looks with LED CAM lights all over!!!!  There is SO much room - it is a full three quarter the size of the house footprint!!!  Oh My!!!

So, what have I been doing while waiting on the electricians?  Sewing of course - back on the kitchen table and counter and floor!!!!  Living on Toast and Coffee because there just is no room to cook while doing these blocks! 

Here is block Number 3!  They just get better and better!  Judy Nowicki - beautiful creation!!!!  I took a sneak peak ahead hoping that the center block is coming up soon, but No indeed! It will be the last block in the quilt to be completed.  Oh well.  One block at a time!

Oh, and I made my first big boo -boo and selected the wrong file to stitch first, so all that stabilizer and fabric just went into the scrap heap for Block 4 and I'm starting over!  And keep watching for the Class Listing from Cowles Quilting. These classes will be held at 268 N. Main Street in St. Albans.

Happy Stitching everyone!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Step 3 - Lights and Action!!!!

I know it has been a while, but as you can imagine, there is always the possibility of delay when construction of any kind is in the mix.  But, I have been assured there will be electricity by the end of the day Wednesday this week!!!! Woo! Hoo!!!  With that behind us, then on to setting everything in its proper place!

But in the meantime, I have been painting new shelving, mapping out where everything goes and just having a good time making decisions, and changing my mind, oh yeah, making decisions over again!!! But that is the fun stuff!!!!

To keep my sanity while waiting on the electrician, I have been preparing for a new embroidery club series.  This one is going to be fun!!!  I saw this quilt made up several years ago and have had it on my list of to-do's for the past 5 or 6 years!!!!  Here are some pictures for you.  I have Block 1 and 2 Completed!!!